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News from Instantiations

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and recent events we've hosted or attended. 

A New VAST Support Experience

When we're speaking at various conferences held throughout the year, the topic of us "investing" in VAST comes up frequently. However, we're not only investing to improve the VAST software itself. We're also investing to improve one of the other main differentiators we have: our engineer-backed support. Our software and support are mutually essential to […]

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Continuing VAST's Unicode Support: Databases and GLORP

Starting with VAST Platform 2024 (13.0.0), we introduced Unicode support in our Database Management (DBM) libraries. Unicode support works as an opt-in feature that can be enabled or disabled per connection, per database platform, or globally for all connections. Introduction Previously, if you stored text in a database that supported Unicode — by storing strings […]

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Progress in 2024: VAST and A New Business Line

To say the team at Instantiations has been “busy” lately would be an understatement, but since we’ve recently completed an important transition, I should take a moment to provide an update. In short: Things are going really well at Instantiations. So how did we get here? A year ago, I wrote: “It's clear that the […]

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ESUG 2023 in Lyon, France

Instantiations has been a proud sponsor of ESUG's conferences for many years, and this year marked the post-pandemic return of Instantiations to ESUG with our attendance in Lyon. This was my first ESUG conference, and I was quite impressed. The location, the presentations, and the interactions with various members of the community were awesome. For […]

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A Commitment to Longevity

With VAST Platform 2023, Instantiations is starting the year with another solid release of VAST. New features, plus enhancements to existing frameworks/tools, have been the hallmark of recent VAST versions, and this latest release is no different. Instantiations itself is continuing to grow as new opportunities have presented themselves in the past year. It's clear […]

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A Successful Year & 'Smalltalks 2022'

As this year concludes, we've been reflecting on the past 300+ days... and it's been a whirlwind. In-person conferences have resumed. New versions of VAST with robust features and new technology continue to be released. And, even more exciting opportunities for VAST are on the horizon. While it was challenging to make enough time for […]

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Understanding and Tuning the VAST Garbage Collector

In a low-level programming language like C, it's the developer's responsibility to allocate and free memory by using standard library functions such as malloc() and free(). On the other hand, many high-level languages provide automatic memory management where the language runtime assumes responsibility for reclaiming memory no longer accessible to the program. There are many […]

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Camp Smalltalk Supreme: June 2022 Event

Instantiations recently attended and presented at the in-person Smalltalk community event: Camp Smalltalk Supreme. This event was held at Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson) from June 10th through 12th. For those who have never attended Camp Smalltalk, it is a regularly held conference with seminars and workshops about the Smalltalk programming language. This year marked the […]

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Refinement & Progress Continue with VAST 2022

A little over a year ago, we launched a new website, new branding, and the first iteration of our renamed product line: VAST Platform 2021. For Instantiations, these were just the first of many steps that we took to not only improve our products but also improve ourselves. While we've touched on it before in […]

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Taking IoT Programming to a Higher Level: March 2022 Event

On March 11, 2022, Instantiations hosted an in-person presentation and tech demo at an event organized by the Internet of Things (IoT) organization, RIoT. RIoT's event, Developer Day 2022, took place at Wake Technical Community College's RTP campus. Developer Day gave Instantiations the opportunity to talk about how the IoT development experience could be better […]

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Having a Software Update Strategy is Critical

Avoidance of software updates is an industry-wide problem affecting small businesses, large enterprises, and all types of systems. While it might be advantageous to skip some updates occasionally, it's not a good idea to avoid them altogether. We've already written about the importance of updates as it relates to much older software like IBM® VisualAge® […]

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VAST Platform 2022: ECAP Pre-Release

Every year before Instantiations does a major release, we make an internal, pre-release build of the VAST Platform available to our customers. This internal pre-release is called our Early Customer Access Program (ECAP). The purpose of ECAP is to provide our users with the opportunity to test new features and provide feedback to our engineering […]

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Modernization Doesn't Require a Complex Migration

Updating software is important. We all know that better security, more features, and improved stability are generally a good thing. When software is neglected, high profile issues can occur that result in huge problems! Enterprise systems using IBM® VisualAge® Smalltalk are no exception, but we've seen some organizations leave these applications untouched and out-of-date for […]

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Bridging the Gap with Toit — A Rich Dev Experience for Microcontrollers

Instantiations has been working with IoT (Internet Of Things) technology alongside the VAST Platform for a few years at this point. As a result of this research and development, we're improving VAST and finding new technologies to complement it (one of them you'll read about in this post). Outside of R&D, we're sponsors of the […]

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Online Event: Getting Started with Tonel Tools in VAST

Tonel is a text-based file format used to store Smalltalk source code on disk, and was designed from scratch to be version control system (VCS) friendly. It is widely accepted by the Smalltalk community at this point, so Instantiations saw an opportunity to enhance ENVY (the standard VCS in VAST) by adding Tonel support for […]

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Porting the Latest Seaside to VAST using Tonel Tools

When VAST Platform 2021 (10.0.0) was released earlier this year, the Seaside version it shipped with was v3.2.0 (from 2016). It was time for an update. For our next release, VAST Platform 2022 (11.0.0), we decided it was a good time to port the latest Seaside version (v3.4.4 as of this post), and to create […]

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F.A.S.T. & Instantiations Online Event: May 2021

Earlier this year, F.A.S.T. invited us to speak to their community about what Instantiations is doing from a business, marketing, and technical perspective. The event, Constant Refinement and Continuing Progress at Instantiations, took place on May 20, 2021. F.A.S.T was a great host which led to the event being a success with many attendees and […]

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Constant Refinement. Continuing Progress.

At this point, you've certainly noticed the Instantiations logo, website, and VAST branding are significantly different than before. We're still the same company you've known for years, but we've made these changes to better reflect the current state of our business that's diversifying with expanded services and new technologies. On the surface, it might look like we've made […]

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