•executable, making
(456) •attribute-from-script connections
(534) •attribute-to-attribute connections
(523) •changing
•properties of a part
(496) •properties of connections
(543) •parts, working with
(412) •parts in the palette
(460) •visual tool symbols
(393) •connections
(529) •end-points, changing
(559) •event-to-attribute
(530) •Investment application
(597) •properties, changing
(544) •secondary window, connecting to
(626) •selecting and deselecting
(551) •settings, changing
(545) •To-do List application
(436) •view wrapper, connecting to
(624) •construction from parts
(346) •correcting mistakes
(428) •creating
•creating applications
•using Organizer window
(562) •default push button, specifying
(581) •development image
•recaching method pointers
(400) •distributing parts
(479) •evenly spacing parts
(482) •event-to-action connections
(526) •event-to-script connections
(531) •image
•recaching method pointers
(401) •input focus, setting
(599) •Investment application
•adding menu choices
(655) •adding reusable parts
(619) •adding secondary windows
(607) •adding view wrapper parts
(623) •changing part names
(589) •changing part properties
(571) •creating reusable parts
(612) •creating secondary windows
(616) •creating the main window
(569) •creating visual parts
(567) •default conditions
(579) •default part properties
(580) •making an application executable
(664) •read-only entry fields
(576) •setting tab order, form part
(639) •setting tab order, main window
(638) •setting tab order, secondary windows
(640) •setting tabbing order
(636) •sizing parts automatically
(587) •making
•attribute-from-script connections
(536) •connections to secondary windows
(628) •default push buttons
(582) •event-to-script connections
(533) •Investment application connections
(598) •menu bars and pop-up menus
(643) •read-only text part
(578) •matching widths of parts
(477) •cascade menu, creating
(657) •menu bars, creating
(653) •menu choice, creating
(654) •menus
•opening pop-up menus
(419) •parameter
•attributes as parameters
(548) •connection parameters
(547) •constants as parameters
(549) •parameters of connections
(546) •parts
•generic properties view
(501) •horizontal spacing
(484) •making connections
(512) •multiple selection
(417) •positioning with grid
(487) •reusable parts, adding
(620) •selecting several parts
(464) •sizing automatically
(586) •tabbing order, setting
(634) •visual parts, list of
(458) •parts in the palette
(459) •pop-up menus, opening
(420) •portability of colors and fonts
(509) •positioning parts in grid
(486) •read-only data fields
(577) •starting VA Smalltalk
(397) •tabbing order, setting
(635) •To-Do List application
•aligning the visual parts
(427) •attribute-to-attribute connection
(441) •building the user interface
(421) •creating the application
(403) •creating the executable
(455) •event-to-action connections
(444) •making the connections
(438) •sizing the visual parts
(426) •starting VA Smalltalk
(395) •working with nonvisual parts
(433) •touring the visual tools
(382) •user interface
•creating secondary windows
(605) •Investment application
(560) •to-do list application
(411) •validating data input
(575) •view wrapper parts
(621) •visual tool symbols
(394) •VA Smalltalk
•additional documentation
(669) •Quick Start window
(402) •Quick Start window, using the
(407) Last modified date: 07/13/2020