Welcome to VA Smalltalk Version 9.2
VA Smalltalk enables software developers to create highly portable, scalable, multi-tier business applications using object-oriented technology. VA Smalltalk allows for incremental and rapid development of new Smalltalk applications. Developers can build and deploy enterprise Web service solutions for dynamic e-business using VA Smalltalk.
What's New in V9.2
Major performance increase with all new Just-In-Time Compiler for 32 & 64-bit virtual machines!
-AArch64 joins the ARM family lineup
-Major FFI Performance Increases
-Support for returning struct-by-value in FFI
-Transitioned to latest Clang compiler for Windows
-Updated LLVM Code Generator
-Walkback generator provides more useful information and pluggability
-Updated Virtual Machine C-Interface
Base Libraries
-CSV Support
-STON Support
-Many APIs added for dialect portability
-Full HiDPI support on Windows
-Scintilla Editor fonts use DirectWrite (GPU-Accelerated rendering) by default
-20x speedup in PNG reading
-PNG Interlaced Frame Handling Support
-Updated look-and-feel of the Windows application icon, Environments banner, and splash screens
-Kernel-level EsCodePageUtilities with enhanced Unicode conversion
-Seaside Unicode updates
-Grease UTF-8 Enhancements
-Iconv updates for Unix
-Zip Streams UTF-8 support for file names and comments
-Brotli Compression Streams
-ZStandard Compression Streams
-New IMAP Client
-New SMTP Client
-SASL Authentication Framework
-Mail examples
-SstHttpClient support for HTTP requests (PUT, DELETE...)
-Absolute/Relative Redirect support for SstHttpClient
-SNI support for SstHttpClient
-Seaside Improvements
-LibreSSL Compatibility
-Probabilistic Signature Schemes (RSA-PSS)
-Server Name Indication support
-Native PostgreSQL Driver
-PostgreSQL Database Abstraction Layer Integration
-Glorp Updates
Development Tools
-Cross-Development Enhancements (XD)
-SstDebugger now supports reading .sdf files
-MonticelloImporter loading enhancements
-SUnit Enhancements
-Improvements to PAM Authentication
-Dynamic Packaging rules using static code analysis for warning reduction
-Significant reduction of packaging warnings on shipped apps
-Seaside packaging works out-of-the-box
VAST Environments Launcher
-Copy Installations to new location
-Move Environments to a new location
-Default Editor/File Explorer identifier for Linux
-Seaside Headless Packaging Examples in Server Guide
-Stack Dumping and Remote Debugging with Seaside documentation
-Updated Migration Guide
Research/Development and Open Source Projects:
-TensorFlow Machine Learning for VAST (tensorflow-vast on Github)
-Git support for VAST with Tonel interchange (tonel-vast on Github)
-Git/Tonel examples (tonel-demos on Github)
-Docker examples (docker-examples on Github)
-Pigpio bindings for VAST (pigpio-vast on Github)
-Pharo to VAST porting tool (pharo2va on Github)
-Eclipse MQTT Paho Client for VAST (paho-mqtt-vast)
Late-breaking news, technical tips, and product updates
SELinux Not Supported
VA Smalltalk does not yet support running on Linux distributions with SELinux enabled. This includes current flavors of Red Hat, Fedora and CentOS. To run VA Smalltalk on these distributions, SELinux must be disabled. Run the sestatus command to determine if SELinux is enabled.
Post-Release Tips and Updates
Please refer to the Instantiations Smalltalk home page for technical information including tips and product updates made after this product release. The web page includes information about what's included in the release, and how to contact us as well as hints and tips for using and deploying VA Smalltalk.
You can download the latest product updates, as well as product add-ons, from the Instantiations Smalltalk download page.
Version 9.2 files and installation
Distribution files
VA Smalltalk distribution files are divided into development time components and runtime components.
Each VA Smalltalk platform has two downloadable development time components:
Product Installer
The product installer installs the Client and Manager components of the VA Smalltalk product as well as a development IDE setup tool. The Client component contains the VA Smalltalk development IDE. The Manager component contains the VA Smalltalk library (source code repository) file and the EMSRV code used to access the repository file in a team environment. There are two versions of the product installer: one for 32-bit and one for 64-bit installations.
Documentation Installer
The documentation installer installs a local copy of the VA Smalltalk documentation onto your workstation.
Each VA Smalltalk platform has one downloadable run time component:
Server Runtime
This is the runtime support needed for deploying Smalltalk applications developed using VA Smalltalk. There is no formal install program for Server Runtime. You simply use unzip to unpack the runtime files and add your packaged Smalltalk application into the resulting directory structure. You must download and unpack the correct Server Runtime package for your workstation operating system. The files needed to include at runtime are listed in Redistributable Runtime Files.
The Linux Product installers come in Debian and RPM formats.
The Server Runtime component for all platforms, are delivered as .zip files. If you do not already have a suitable unzip program, then you can download a no-charge unzip program such as Info-ZIP.
Note: The gunzip program will not work with the VA *.zip files. The VA *.zip files are multi-file archives while gunzip is only designed to handle single compressed files.
Installing VA Smalltalk
If you are new to VA Smalltalk, we recommend that you install the documentation locally using the VA Smalltalk Documentation Installer, VASmalltalkDocumentation-9.2.0.exe, for easy reference before you install the VA Smalltalk product.
Run the downloaded VA Smalltalk Product Installer, VASmalltalk-9.2.0x86.exe (32-bit) or VASmalltalk-9.2.0x64.exe. (64-bit)
Complete installation instructions, such as how to set up EMSRV, can be found in the Installation Guide. The Installation Guide can be read online at Installation Guide, or locally after you run the VA Smalltalk Documentation Installer.
If you are doing a Custom install, to install the Manager on a different machine than the Client(s), we recommend you install the Manager first.
Once you have installed the Manager and the Client, refer to the Installation Guide for further instructions on how to use the Environments tool to configure your environment so you can launch VA Smalltalk.
If you are using the headless installer to install the Manager alone, make sure the directory into which you want to install the manager has been created before starting the headless install. Refer to the Installation Guide for further instructions.
If you are installing on Windows Server:
The manager is not installed when installing the product with both client and server portions present (the typical or default installation configuration).
Copy %tmp%InstantiationsVA Smalltalk9.2managermgr92tmp.dat to and rename it mgr92.dat. By default, is C:ProgramDataInstantiationsVA Smalltalk9.2manager. to determine %tmp%, open a command terminal and enter echo %tmp% .
If you are new to VA Smalltalk, we recommend you install the documentation locally first, so you have the Installation Guide in a convenient place. Unzip the downloaded VA Smalltalk Documentation Installer for your Platform and execute sudo ./vainstall in a terminal. Then open a browser on file:///usr/local/VASmalltalk/9.2/help/index.html once the documentation is installed locally.
Installing the product: Unzip the downloaded VA Smalltalk Product Installer for your platform and your preference for 32-bit or 64-bit. Choose whether you would like to install the full standalone product, or just the client or manager configuration. Before running the Product installer, change directory to where vainstall is.
Run the Product Installer by executing sudo ./vainstall standalone in a terminal.
Run the Product Installer by executing sudo ./vainstall manager in a terminal.
Run the Product Installer by executing sudo ./vainstall client in a terminal.
Complete installation instructions, such as how to set up EMSRV, can be found in the Installation Guide. The Installation Guide can be read online at Installation Guide, or locally after you run the VA Smalltalk Documentation Installer.
If you are doing a Custom install, to install the Manager on a different machine than the Client(s), we recommend you install the Manager first.
Note: There are special steps for installing on Linux which are documented in the Installation Guide.
Once you have installed the Manager and the Client, refer to the Installation Guide for further instructions on how to use the Environments tool to configure your environment so you can launch VA Smalltalk.
VA Smalltalk Migration Guide
If you have a version of VisualAge Smalltalk or VA Smalltalk already installed, please refer to the Migration Guide for important information before using VA Smalltalk V9.2. The Migration Guide can be read online at Migration Guide, as a pdf or it can be read locally if you installed local documentation.
Corrections and Enhancements
This section lists the corrections and enhancements introduced by each release of the VA Smalltalk product.
Corrections and Product Enhancements in V9.2
Case Title
----- ----------------------------------------------------------
48383 Add Socket Options - Send/Receive Timeout
55910 VisualAgeAssist>>launchWindowBuilder contains incorrect message text
57400 Support struct-by-value return type for platform functions
60614 Walkback when opening the View Parts List view in the Composition Editor
61454 High-DPI Support to VA Smalltalk
61823 Add PostgreSQL Database Support
63142 Expose image and text capabilities to AbtPushButtonView
63210 Continue scrolling in Application Manager when tooltip bubble is showing
63424 Add some #packagingRulesFor: to Seaside and related projects
63471 Make OpenSSL Crypto more packager friendly
63635 Consider adding app EswSwapperCFSSupport to the default packager lineup
63692 SstHttpClient should support redirects
63693 SstHttpClient should not append default ports to header host fields
63752 Allow a silent/yes/default mode to our installers
63814 Regex XD Feature has no editions in the shipped manager .
63828 Null indicator field for DB2 is wrong size in VA Smalltalk 64bit
63856 Remove empty class extensions DBString and String from AbtEditRecordStructureApp
63857 Remove empty class extension DBString from AbtCompositionEditorSubApp
63859 Remove empty class extension CwShell from VisualAgeAssistAppAbt
63860 Remove empty class extension StsConfigurationMapsBrowser from StsCodeAssistApp
63861 Remove empty class extension EsImageStartUp from EtBaseTools
63862 Fix AbtTimedWait blocking behavior when used in UI Process
63866 Use of block fetching from VisualAge ODBC/CLI results in GPF
63874 Add CSV Feature for the product
63878 EsCompressionWriteStream performance issue on nextPutAll
63883 Fix Refactoring Browser Testing feature load
63884 Fix Mastering ENVY/Developer Tools feature load
63886 Fix method name collisions between ST: JSON Support, Testing feature and Glorp
63897 Loosen restrictions on EC_METHOD resolution
63901 Implement RFC-3501 - IMAP4rev1
63902 Implement RFC-4314 - IMAP4 Access List Control extensions
63903 Implement RFC-4978 - IMAP Compress extension
63904 Implement RFC-5161 - IMAP4 Enable extension
63905 Implement RFC-2177 - IMAP4 Idle extension
63906 Implement RFC-2342 - IMAP4 Namespace extensions
63907 Implement RFC-2087 - IMAP4 Quota extension
63908 Implement RFC-5256 - IMAP Sort/Thread extensions
63909 Implement IMAP Client examples in SstEmailExamples
63910 Implement RFC-2595 - Using TLS with IMAP
63914 SstEnhancedSelect should no longer exclude #timeout: from runtime packages
63915 EsImageFileReader was broken by 64-bit changes
63923 StackOverflow occurs if OSSslSSLMethod TLS or SSLv23 are called and OpenSSL is not setup
63926 Implement IMAP Search Framework
63927 SstPollingWinSockSocketDemultiplexor>>#select is broken because #pollingSelect was removed
63928 Implement RFC-4959 - IMAP Extension for SASL-IR
63929 Replace deprecated GetVersionEx call in virtual machine
63938 va91x86_sw esvio.ini has 9.0 references
63939 va91x64_sw esvio.ini has 9.0 refs and ic path issue
63940 Linux server runtime files are referencing preprocessed cmake variables
63941 Linux abtnx and nodialog still contain cmake preprocessor variables in product install of x86 and x64
63949 abtprc91.so has false dependency on vm which causes issues in headless environments
63950 Make the packager print a problems statistics file
63952 Create packagerKnownSymbols dynamically for OsStructure subclasses
63955 Hover Help Manager: syncExecInUI: for currentPointerLocation missing
63956 Use asScaledDecimal in place of deprecated asDecimal
63957 Walkback causes by sourceVote being nil in EwDragAndDropSession>>#calculateOperation
63965 Remove NeoJSON extension WriteStream>>#<< and update existing senders
63966 Make AbtCodePageConversionPolicy packager friendly
63968 [Unix]AbtOdbcDatabaseConnection>>#directConecttoDataSource:id:pw: not 64bit compatible
63973 Add Collection >> #contains: as an alias to #anySatisfy:
63986 Walkback in StsPowerTools>>chooseColorDefault
63987 Support Debugging selected expression in Workspaces
63991 LDAP Delete function string arg must be null terminated
63996 Add support for UTF-8 encoded filenames and comments to ZipStream
63999 Add useful and generic ArrayedCollection class>>#new:withAll:
64025 Modify SstHttpClient fetch examples to query url for transport scheme instead of hard coding it
64026 Sockets in Unix need some more critical guarding for the "readCollection"
64028 Add packaging rules to ignore SstRemoteAdministration warnings
64029 Add packaging rules to ignore SstHttpCommunications warnings
64030 Add packaging rules for Pragma class >> specialPragmaKeyword
64033 Move methods #nextRequestFrom: and #nextRequestPut:on: from SstLightweightMarshaler to SstMessageMarshaler
64040 Add protocol #join:, #joinTo: , #split:, #splitOn: etc to Collection classes
64041 Add EsString class method #cr , #lf and #crlf
64042 Adding EsString #lines and #linesDo:
64043 Add #writeStreamDo: , #readStreamDo: and #readRriteStreamDo: family of methods to CfsPath
64044 Add #timeToRun to BlockContextTemplate
64047 Add #capitalized to EsString and Symbol to the base image
64056 Add KeyedCollection class >> newFromPairs:
64062 Create features for CSV
64075 New EsCodePageUtilitiesApp that is kernel-only dependent
64077 Remove "Seaside RSS Examples" map from map "zz.Server.AbtSstSeasideFeature"
64082 Implement Brotli compression
64085 Implement SASL Framework for Mail Support
64091 Implement RFC-7888 - IMAP4 Non-synchronizing Literals
64093 Implement IMAP logging
64094 Implement RFC-5258 - IMAP 4 LIST Command Extensions
64095 Implement RFC-5819 - IMAP4 Extension for Returning STATUS Information in Extended LIST
64096 Implement RFC-7889 - The IMAP APPENDLIMIT Extension
64097 Implement RFC-6851 - IMAP MOVE Extension
64103 Implement RFC-2359 - IMAP4 UIDPLUS extension
64105 Implement RFC-2971 - IMAP4 ID extension
64108 Implement RFC-3348 - IMAP4 Child Mailbox Extension
64117 Implement RFC-4731 - ESEARCH Extension
64120 AbtOdbcCursor>>dropIfError: should not attempt to free statement if the statement''s handle is nil
64149 Add lineDelimiter API to EsCompressionStream
64150 Browsing changes between App versions can use scratch version of app for comparison
64153 Various improvements and fixes to WAUrl
64158 Searching config maps for an application when ExecLongOperationsInBackground is false results in walkback
64169 String>>openSSLZeroize must use Nul char instead of 0
64170 Provide full accessor methods for RSA,DSA,EC,DH keys
64178 Add Server Name Indication (SNI) support
64185 Can not browse class names that are also selectors in workspaces
64188 Fix issue that keeps EsCompressionBuffer from being configurable
64189 Some PNG images can no longer be read after new compression streams
64192 Improve PNG Support and Performance
64195 Add PNG Interlaced Frame Handler support
64200 Add progressive jpeg not supported detection
64202 Add logging ability and error handling to Seaside Sst Adaptor
64206 StsDebugger does not work with "Stack Dump"
64210 Prohibit application prereq analysis in #packagingRulesFor: class side methods
64213 Update inline help to refer to secure www.instantiations.com
64214 Update VA Assist about to refer to secure www.instantiations.com
64215 Update NLS files referring to insecure www.instantiations.com
64216 Update GFST about to refer to secure www.instantiations.com
64223 Implement Probabilistic Signature Schemes (RSA-PSS)
64231 LibreSSL Compatibility in Crypto/SSL
64232 OSSslBigNumber>>isOne returns integer instead of boolean
64233 Loading VA Assist Pro from configuration map in ibmst image will break
64241 Allow WAFileLibrary to decide when and how to encode when deploying files
64252 Improve our walkback information
64264 Failed to XD package with latest changes in AbtCodePageConverter
64267 Make Swapper App more packager friendly
64279 GLORP error logging - add timestamp
64281 VMprComputeMemorySizes GPF due to out of date C locals
64284 Ensure StsWorkspace is used if StsPowerTools is loaded
64285 FFI Performance Improvements
64287 Update Socket Tests that use instantiations.com with https-based urls
64309 CgWinPrinterServer>>#openDisplay should handle CgPrinterNotFoundError
64311 Adapt code assist to XD Environments
64312 [VM] System osVersion can answer a string with some garbage characters on Windows 2008 Server
64319 Add support PUT and DELETE requests in SstHttpClient
64321 Negative scaled decimals asJson lose sign in Seaside
64323 [VM] missing DLL causes GPF instead of OS error 126
64324 Rename "ENVY/Manager Attachments" extension String >> asPath to asEmPath
64340 SstTcpConfiguration copy should make a deep copy of the securityConfiguration
64341 SstHttpClient configuration should be retrieved from localEndpoint, not localEndpoint transport
64347 SstHttpClient should also support relative redirects
64348 Monticello Importer should set prerequisites before attempting to create app
64350 Fix incorrect behavior when PF call failed
64357 Create OSObject Bindings to PostgreSQL C library (libpq)
64361 [linux_x64] Error loading the configuration map AbtDatabaseEdit
64364 iconv primitives calls in Unix image are not 64-bit clean
64365 EsCodePage* should delegate to AbtCodePage* when present
64366 Remove latest empty class extensions from the system
64369 Scintilla editor color highlighting confused
64378 Implement ZStandard Compression
64380 Make the size of RAM bucket in EpRomerImage>>initializeDefaultSpaces a class variable
64382 Update lz4 version for 9.2 release
64389 Fix ipv4 socket addr loopback identification
64390 Add SciSocketAddress>>isAddrSiteLocal for detecting local private network ranges
64392 EsUnixCodePageConverter should NOT #closeAllConversionTables on #startUp
64396 Remove GRVASTUtf8CodecStream class var leftovers and #initializeOnLoad
64399 Remove unnecessary #getHostByAddr: check on Remote Debugger
64410 Apply additional concurrency safety guards to EsAsynchronousCallout
64413 The map "WindowBuilder Pro - Runtime" is not correctly updated as part of the build
64415 [b421] Transcript is placed way to high in the screen after HiDPI
64416 When HiDPI enabled, the implementors popup/dialog/input is way too big
64417 Strange class signature dropdown when opening a hierarchy browser on a class
64421 VAContentAssistPointRelativeLayout break on DnD of completion item
64422 Code Format and Comment DPI code
64423 Windows b421 - Load of WindowBuilder Pro and WB VSE Translation blow up
64428 After HiDPI code the instance/class toggle in the default hierarchy browser gets hidden
64432 Make MonticelloImporter to auto-general class side #new sending #initialize
64436 #removeAll: shouldnt iterate over the same collection your removing from
64439 After HiDPI enabled the Seaside Control Panel looks bad
64440 With HiDPI, the area for breakpoints and notifications icons in editor is too small
64449 Seaside SST Server Adaptor should decode percent for native request URLs
64450 b421 [ Linux and Windows] Goodies - UML Designer fails to load
64452 browse class when menu says browse class hierarchy
64454 Apply Coding Standards to SocketCommunicationsInterface framework
64456 Handle column names of 128 characters
64458 Allow Seaside SST Adaptors to store the native request
64460 [VM] Case 64460: Fix old object swapper class id for 64-bit
64461 [VM] ENVY/Stats fails to load on linux 64-bit
64464 Resolve conflicts between CSV, JSON and Grease for STON integration
64469 XAppContext ref causing breaks when packaging Kernel IC
64472 Add "restart" buttons to Seaside Control Panel
64481 b423 Win 64 ibmSt - Loading z.VA: Mastering ENVY/Developer Tools fails
64484 Add STON support
64485 b423 Ubuntu x64 - Many feature load failures related to Envy/Image SCI
64486 Push up SCI plat-dependent structs that are near copies of each other
64487 Add typeAt: API to OSStructure class
64520 Handle long strings in CfsNTFSPath makeValidFormatFrom:
64521 EsPatternParser>>extractOptions should be called only for a date pattern specifier (%d)
64524 iconv should not return the truncated string if there was an error but the error itself
64535 OSSslStructure>>basicOwnsMemory: always sets false
64551 Oracle LOB fixes for 64bit support
64552 Oracle LOB enhancements
64555 Fix RxmBranch to do greedy matching instead of first match passes
64573 Fix 9.1.1 Application visibility in Application Manager bug
64576 Enable DirectWrite by default
64588 Add "Copy Message Representation" to Method Differences Right click menu
64593 [b427] AbtCodePageUtilitiesApp>>packagingRulesFor: refs unknown class variable
64619 GemStone GBS UI tester broken with latest HiDPI changes
64621 Speedup #managingNamespaceFor: for large Symbol tables
64622 [VM] Build .lib files on Windows and distribute in INSTALL/samples/lib directory
64623 Promote EsAllocateMemory/EsFreeMemory to be exported on Windows
64624 [VM] Export EsPostAsyncMessageThruGlobal in the vm
64625 Update header files that are shipped with VA in InstallDir/samples/include
64629 syncExecInUI: missing for EsWindowSystemStartUp>>#cleanUpBeforeWalkback
64648 Odd row selection behavior with direct edit cells in ContainerDetailsView
64657 Make Unix installers default to standalone if no parameters follow vainstall
64677 Remove "ENVY/Image Compiler" from Seaside XD feature
64703 Speedup String >> abtAsNumber by using isFraction instead of isKindOf:
64707 Remove -mcd switch from unix launch scripts
64717 Issue with reading a -1 value from INT database fields
64721 Remove the word "goodie" from the .xsd file generated by Web Services
64730 [VM] Add support for Aarch64 / ARM64
64732 [VM] Process->vmState cant be decoded in 64-bit VM
64740 [VM] Merge ebcdic support into vm module
64751 Add #rawCr, #rawLf, #rawCrLf and #newLine into WriteStream and Cfs streams
64774 Add HiDPI support to manifest files
64781 HiDPI issues with packager UI - progress bar and buttons
64782 Icons issue with HiDPI and packager UI
64811 Text not being correctly scaled with HiDPI in the "Load/Unload Features..." GUI
64812 After HiDPI, progress bar of "Load/Unload Features..." GUI is far too width
64813 After HiDPI left icons gets partially hidden/overlap when mouse hovering them in app manager
64826 Allow browsing hierarchy and classes in SUnitBrowser when none test method is selected
64828 Fix StsPowerTools>>chooseColorDefault: usage of literal string
64836 Implement RFC-3501 - FETCH Responses
64841 Abt and Es code page convertion have some test failures
64842 Rename test classes of SCI Unix subapps
64869 Update Import libraries in the samples/lib directory
64883 Popup with "mouse over" over a variable makes the popup to blink
64895 Do not use #replaceAll:with: with possible literal Strings in Seaside
64898 Max Alignment of structs is calculated incorrectly for ARM
64911 Linux installers should include a root directory containing everything
64916 Environments - Settings - File Explorer file section button does not populate entry field
64928 [Windows] parametrize File Selection promoter buffer length
64950 Adding shortcuts and menus to the Debugger
64966 SQLite3 - Do not hold on to OS Memory for handle objects
64977 Fix SstHttpUrl class>>#proxyExceptionList:excludes:
64978 Change "self halt" with a particular error when MonticelloImporter fails to compile a method
64984 SUnit should not try to test methods that start with #test but its argument count is not 0
64986 Environments - Looks like the need for libc.so symlink in the Environments folder no longer exists
64993 Add unit test for #handle type is not accepted anymore in FFI starting in 9.0 VMs
64996 Oracle - Do not hold on to OS Memory for handle objects
64999 Fix spelling for CfsOSTmPtr>>fetchPlaformTimeT
65007 Fix errors due to lazy creation of SciSocketAddress>>socketAddrStruct
65027 Create an Abstract Mail Communications Framework
65040 enable ''native'' entry points for stack frame prims.
65041 Add timeout tests to TestSstHttpClient
65042 "AbtReportPrinter default" huge icons issue with HiDPI
65045 Prevent #stopConnectionChecker from error when Checker is nil
65052 Update timesRepeat Smalltalk code to answer 0 like the Smalltalk optimized version
65053 Cleanup implementation of EtWindow>>browserFont
65073 ODBC - Do not hold on to OS Memory for handles
65097 Workspace Revert should retain the selected language provider
65102 Memory leak(s) in Oracle Stored Procedure call(s) - (additional changes)
65108 Add menu item to open the MedScriptBrowser on any user
65110 Status decorations on XD browsers show status based on development image instead of passive image
65111 NeoJSON should not use DateAndTime >> from: because it assumes wrong milliseconds
65115 #refreshImageCache should deal better with the possibility of CacheRefreshTask process to be dead
65116 SQLite/PostgreSQL code references isScaledDecimalField for test, but is always false.
65117 Incorrect 64-bit porting of Ole DWORD * params
65136 Add traffic light example project to build
65143 AbtOracle8DatabaseConnection>>getColScaleForDesciptor:ifError: needs to handle negative return values
65144 Implement missing GRAVASTPlatform >> #directoriesIn:
65166 Fix Drag&Drop 64-bit issues on Linux
65173 DB2CLI - Do not hold on to OS Memory for handles
65182 Packaging errors due to use of symbols in MZZipUnzipApp
65183 Fix missing required map in config map AbtICInstructions
65186 Oracle - Cursor leak with AbtOracle10DatabaseManager using emptyRowForQuerySpec:ifError:
65188 Fix SstRmiUrl to account for changes to subString: in 8.0.2
65193 Add Seaside hello world example project to build
65201 vasslthreads and emsrv binaries now compiled with CLANG compiler on Windows
65202 AbtOracle8DatabaseConnection>>#executeCallForSQLStatement:ifError: returning invalid result
65205 Updated SQLite to version to 3.29.0
65210 Environments: Allow user to move an environment to a new physical location
65215 Remove 32-bit Binaries/Exe in the VAST 64-bit Install
65217 Update time zone data for 9.2
65222 Fix missing verticalScroll: abstract no-op method in CwComposite on Linux
65223 Fix X Error: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) console messages
65225 Composition Editor on Linux does not work if NumLock is on
65227 Environments: After successfully moving an Environment, delete the original folder
65239 Composition Editor effected negatively when high dpi is active
65241 Remove Goodies-UML Designer config map from shipped product
65242 Add missing esconfig.h to samples/include
65246 emadmin 64-bit comapt issue on Linux...uses ''long'' for 32-bit datatypes
65281 CallTips flash on first draw when DirectWrite is enabled in editor
65282 Implement RFC-3207 - SMTP over TLS
65283 Implement RFC-4954 - SMTP Service Extension for Authentication
65284 Implement RFC-5321 - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
65300 VMprPointerReplaceFromToWithObject does not use correct value for ending the loop
65303 Environments - Win_x64 - Create shortcut option fails with GPF
65304 Linux Server Runtime abtnx script needs to be relative to SRT root
65306 Implement RFC-6531 - SMTP Extension for Internationalized Email
65307 Implement RFC-1870: SMTP Service Extension for Message Size Declaration
65309 Implement SMTP Client examples In SstEmailExamples
65312 Linux Socket Options - Send/Receive Timeout setter rework
65318 Fix PAM authentication on Linux
65319 emadmin injects extra newline into password received by interactive terminal
65326 Add ssl min/max protocol to configuration
65330 Environments - Change ''Move'' installations terms to ''Copy''
65334 Update SST Mail IC instructions
65406 Zorder not B450 readme
65410 GCEvent Framework not ported correctly to new virtual machine
Components and Features
The following sections list some important information about some of the components and features. For the latest product information, please refer to Instantiations Smalltalk web page.
Virtual Machine
FFI Callout speedup by multiple factors depending on argument count
Implemented custom memory pooling for argument/return values instead of malloc
Added ArrayedCollection class>>#new:withAll:
Added KeyedCollection class >> newFromPairs:
Added EsString #lines and #linesDo::
Added protocol #join:, #joinTo: , #split:, #splitOn: etc to Collection classes
Added Collection >> #contains: and String #capitalized
Added BlockContextTemplate >> #timeToRun
Added EsString class methods #cr , #lf and #crlf
Common File System
Add #writeStreamDo: , #readStreamDo: and #readRriteStreamDo: family of methods to CfsPath
Refactored AbtCodePageUtilities to reuse behavior of new EsCodePageUtilities
Allow Seaside WAFileLibrary to decide when and how to encode (UTF-8 for example) when deploying files
Fix WAUrl class >> decodePercent: with characters decoding
Ensure iconv() correct behavior in Unix 64 bits
Server Smalltalk (SST)
Updated SstEmailExamples application with IMAP/SMTP client examples
Improve error handling (like WAInvalidUrlSyntaxError) in Seaside Sst adaptors
Add logging ability to Seaside Sst adaptors
Fix negative ScaledDecimal json serialization
XD Environments (Cross-platform development)
Code Assist adapted to XD browsers. Will now use information from nested passive image.
Stack dump files (.sdf)
Fixed regressions as a result of 64-bit compatibility
SstDebugger now supports reading .sdf files
Set prerequisites before attempting to load
VA Smalltalk IOT - VAST on ARM/ARM64
Tested with 1-Wire, I2C and SPI protocols and new sensors
Passes VAST product Test Suite (>15k tests)
(C) Copyright Instantiations Corporation 2005, 2019. All rights reserved.