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Company Updates from Instantiations

A New VAST Support Experience

When we're speaking at various conferences held throughout the year, the topic of us "investing" in VAST comes up frequently. However, we're not only investing to improve the VAST software itself. We're also investing to improve one of the other main differentiators we have: our engineer-backed support. Our software and support are mutually essential to […]

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Progress in 2024: VAST and A New Business Line

To say the team at Instantiations has been “busy” lately would be an understatement, but since we’ve recently completed an important transition, I should take a moment to provide an update. In short: Things are going really well at Instantiations. So how did we get here? A year ago, I wrote: “It's clear that the […]

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A Commitment to Longevity

With VAST Platform 2023, Instantiations is starting the year with another solid release of VAST. New features, plus enhancements to existing frameworks/tools, have been the hallmark of recent VAST versions, and this latest release is no different. Instantiations itself is continuing to grow as new opportunities have presented themselves in the past year. It's clear […]

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Refinement & Progress Continue with VAST 2022

A little over a year ago, we launched a new website, new branding, and the first iteration of our renamed product line: VAST Platform 2021. For Instantiations, these were just the first of many steps that we took to not only improve our products but also improve ourselves. While we've touched on it before in […]

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Constant Refinement. Continuing Progress.

At this point, you've certainly noticed the Instantiations logo, website, and VAST branding are significantly different than before. We're still the same company you've known for years, but we've made these changes to better reflect the current state of our business that's diversifying with expanded services and new technologies. On the surface, it might look like we've made […]

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Together, we can build something great.

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