o application context
getting local copies of CORBA objects
(561) o building server applications
(351) o by-reference marshaling
(457) o by-value marshaling
(454) o
(498) o communication messages
(421) o connective transports
(399) o CORBA IIOP
o CORBA IIOP support for SST
(517) o creating
SST application contexts
(540) o distributed
o exception handling
(445) o exceptions for SST
(564) o extensions to Kernel
(567) o GIOP remote references
(551) o IdSstLwMarshalable
(471) o Java 1.2
o Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI)
(494) o JDK 1.2
o Kernel extensions
(566) o lightweight marshaling
(467) o local copies of CORBA objects
(562) o lookups for named values
(559) o marshaling wrappers
(460) o message
o method invocation
(433) o migration
o multithreading and multiprocessing
(342) o named value lookups
(558) o naming through URLs
(483) o packaging
o remote
object invocation
(326) o Remote Access to Tool API
tool servlet interface
(508) VisualAge for Java
(510) o RMI Exception Wizard
(515) o RMI Interface Wizard
(514) o RMI support for SST
(503) o RMI Wizard
servlet interface settings
(511) o space activations
(477) o space configurations
(489) o SST
building server applications
(352) CORBA IIOP support
(518) distributed applications
(426) invocation handlers
(429) multithreading and multiprocessing
(341) naming through URLs
(484) remote adminisatration
(377) remote references and proxies
(328) o SstAbstractRequest
(434) getting local copies of CORBA objects
(560) o SstCommunicationMessage
(420) o SstCosNamingInterface
(485) o SstDumpingStrategy
(465) o SstGiopMarshalerConfiguration
(538) o SstIiopConfiguration
(526) o SstIiopConnection
(527) o SstImap4Communications
(407) o SstInvocationHandler
(435) o SstLightweightBRStrategy
(470) o SstLightweightMarshaler
(456) o SstLightweightMarshaling
(468) o SstLoadingStrategy
(466) o SstLogicalProcess
(339) o SstLPMethodInvocation
(441) o SstMarshalingWrapper
(461) o SstMessageAssembler
(425) o SstNamingInterface
(487) o SstPackagingInstructions
(368) o SstPingPongIiopContext
(544) o SstPingPongIiopNamingService
(556) o SstPingPongLPHalt
(376) o SstPingPongNamingService
(482) o SstRemoteInvocationHandler
(436) o SstRemoteReference
(479) o SstRmiTypingRepository
(497) o SstSessionManagement
(327) o SstSwapperMarshaler
(455) o SstSwapperMarshaling
(462) o SstTransportConfiguration
(395) o Swapper-based marshaling
(464) o symbolic references
(333) o tool servlet interface
VisualAge for Java
(509) o transactional
o transient remote references
(332) configuration registry
(397) o VisualAge for Java
(499) servlet interface
(507) Last modified date: 04/18/2022