Reports Information : Parts Reference : Report Iterator : Report Iterator properties
Report Iterator properties
The Report Iterator part has the following properties:
o x
The backgroundColor attribute is the name of the RGB color for the background of the part.
You cannot change the background color of a column. This attribute is ignored for the Container Details Column part. This attribute is also ignored for a report viewer.
The deviceFont property specifies the font to use for a particular device. You can set the font for your display or printer, for example.
The foregroundColor attribute is the name of the RGB color for the foreground of the part.
The gridStyle property is an instance of CoGridStyle which holds information about how grids should be drawn for Report Iterator parts. When set, the gridStyle overrides the borderStyle property for any columns that are defined in the body of a Report Iterator.
The gridStyleName property is a string key that is used to lookup a predefined gridStyle. When both gridStyleName and gridStyle are specified, the gridStyle is used and gridStyleName is ignored.
Predefined grid styles can be added and removed using class methods in AbtReportIterator: #gridStyleAt:, #gridStyleAt:put:, #removeGridStyleNamed:
In the partName field, type the name you want to use to describe the part. For non-visual parts, this text appears under the icon for the part on the free-form surface.
The name of the part can consist of alphanumeric characters, and must be unique from all other parts on the layout surface.
This field is optional. If you do not specify a part name, VA Smalltalk generates a unique name based on the class name of the part.
The repeatHeader attribute indicates whether to repeat the header on each page of the iterator. This attribute corresponds to the Repeat header setting for the Report Iterator.
The rowShadingStyle property is an instance of CoShadingStyle. CoShadingStyle has an attribute called #nthElement which contains an Integer indicating which rows of the iterator should be shaded. Specifying '2' for nthElement would cause shading to occur for every 2nd row.
Alternatively, CoShadingStyle has a a selector #shouldShadeMessage which can be set to an instance of DirectedMessage. At runtime, the DirectedMessage is sent and the result is used to determine whether shading should be applied to the current row of the iterator. The selector for the #shouldShadeMessage should be a one argument method that answers a boolean to indicate whether shading should be applied for the passed row number. The argument that is passed to the DirectedMessage is the row number that is currently being processed by the report iterator.
The unitTypeSelected attribute refers to the unit of measurement for setting margins and field sizes in a report. You can choose from the following:
o Points
o Inches
o Centimeters
o Pixels
The width attribute refers to the width (in units set by the unitTypeSelected attribute) of the part.
The x attribute represents the number of units from the left margin to indent the part.
Last modified date: 01/29/2015