3270-based applications, communicating with (770)
3270 Hllapi category (1051)
3270 Screen - Settings (1053)
3270 Screen part (870), (1052)
o actions (874)
o attributes (873)
o description (872)
o events (875)
o general settings (876)
o input field settings (877)
o output settings (878)
3270 screen part, tailoring (773)
3270 Terminal part (879), (1054)
o actions (883)
o attributes (882)
o description (881)
o events (884)
Abt3270Terminal example method (780)
AbtConnectionSpec (747)
o APPC (739)
o CICS (741)
o MQI (743)
o protocol (738)
o RPC (745)
o TCP/IP (748)
Add Queue to List (1087)
o a connection part (684)
o a connection spec (687), (727)
o a procedure dialog (655)
o a RPC Client part (724)
o AbtConnectionSpec (740)
o accepting the conversation (838), (840)
o allocating
conversations (820), (822)
sessions (791)
o connecting the partner transaction (793)
o defining a conversation (816), (818)
o ending the conversation (799), (831), (833)
o obtaining the conversation identifier (803)
o proc dialog conversations (658)
o receiving data from
front-end transactions (807), (846)
partner transactions (797)
partners (828)
o retrieving conversation characteristics (805), (842), (844)
o sending data to the partner transaction (795), (824), (826)
o system layer, how to use (756)
o using classes (781)
o writing
applications (785), (808)
back-end TPs (801), (836)
front-end TPs (789), (813)
APPC category (1055)
APPC Connection Spec - Settings window (1060)
APPC Connection Spec part (906), (1059)
o actions (910)
o attributes (909)
o conversation settings (913)
o data attributes settings (914)
o description (908)
o desination settings (912)
o events (911)
APPC Conversation part (895), (1058)
o actions (899)
o attributes (898)
o description (897)
o events (900)
APPC Error part (901), (1062)
o actions (905)
o attributes (904)
o description (903)
APPC Proc Dialog - Settings window (1057)
APPC Proc Dialog part (885), (1056)
o actions (889)
o attributes (888)
o conversation settings (892)
o data attributes settings (893)
o description (887)
o destination settings (891)
o events (890)
o records settings (894)
APPC Receive Buffer part (915), (1061)
o actions (919)
o attributes (918)
o description (917)
o events (920)
o general settings (921)
Become Primary Part on pop-up menu (1110)
Browse Connections on pop-up menu (1112)
Buffer part
o actions (1044)
o description (1043)
o events (1045)
o general settings (1046)
Buffer part (TCP/IP) (1101)
Buffer Settings window (1102)
building a network connection (1050)
Change Name on pop-up menu (1107)
o AbtConnectionSpec (742)
o APPC sample program (787)
o multiple calls as same unit of work (758)
o proc dialog conversations (660)
CICS category (1063)
CICS EXCI interface (848)
CICS Logical Unit of Work part (931), (1066)
o actions (935)
o attributes (934)
o description (933)
o events (936)
CICS Proc Dialog - Settings window (1065)
CICS Proc Dialog part (922), (1064)
o actions (926)
o attributes (925)
o data attributes settings (929)
o description (924)
o desination settings (928)
o events (927)
o records settings (930)
CICS Program - Settings window (1068)
CICS Program part (937), (1067)
o actions (941)
o attributes (940)
o description (939)
o destination settings (943)
o events (942)
Client programming with basic VA Smalltalk (736)
communicating over networks (1047)
communicating with 3270-based applications (1049)
communication errors
o handling (715), (733)
Communications Subsystem
o dialog layer (647)
o layers (646)
o system interface layer (650)
o system layer (649)
o when to use a particular layer (651)
connect action (692)
Connect on pop-up menu (1111)
connection part (681), (686)
connection spec (683), (689), (723), (729)
CPI-C (760)
o proc dialog conversations (663)
o using classes (852)
o VA Smalltalk Server application (855)
o writing a back-end TP (858)
o writing a front-end TP (857)
CPI-C category (1069)
CPI-C Connection Spec - Settings window (1074)
CPI-C Connection Spec part (959), (1073)
o actions (963)
o attributes (962)
o data attributes settings (966)
o description (961)
o desination settings (965)
o events (964)
CPI-C Conversation part (953), (1072)
o actions (957)
o attributes (956)
o description (955)
o events (958)
CPI-C Proc Dialog - Settings window (1071)
CPI-C Proc Dialog part (944), (1070)
o actions (948)
o attributes (947)
o data attributes settings (951)
o description (946)
o desination settings (950)
o events (949)
o records settings (952)
CPI-C Receive Buffer part (967), (1075)
o actions (971)
o attributes (970)
o description (969)
o events (972)
o general settings (973)
Create Deferred Update Part (1116)
creating a local transaction program (757)
Delete (1084)
Delete on pop-up menu (1108)
dialog protocols (750)
disconnect action (693)
Distribution List (1083)
Distribution List tab for MQ Series Connection Spec (1082)
Edit Part on pop-up menu (1104)
o 3270 screen part, settings view (771)
o 3270 screen part, tailoring (772)
o definition (767)
o example program (776)
o basic VA Smalltalk classes, how to use (778)
o basicVA Smalltalk example method (779)
o reasons for using (768)
o using a 3270 screen (774)
o using in basicVA Smalltalk, overview (777)
o visual programming for (769)
EXCI interface (CICS) (849)
execute action (731)
o APPC sample program (811)
Layout on pop-up menu (1109)
MQ Series
o system layer, how to use (762)
o writing an application (859)
MQ Series Connection (1079)
MQ Series Connection Spec - Settings window (995), (1081)
MQ Series Connection Spec part (1080)
MQ Series Message - Settings window (1089)
MQ Series Message part (1088)
MQ Series Proc Dialog - Settings window (1078)
MQ Series Proc Dialog part (1077)
o AbtConnectionSpec (744)
o proc dialog conversations (666)
o VA Smalltalk Server application (862)
MQSeries Category (1076)
MQSeries Connection part (982)
o actions (986)
o attributes (985)
o description (984)
o events (987)
MQSeries Connection Spec part (988)
o actions (992)
o attributes (991)
o description (990)
o events (993)
o general (994)
MQSeries Message part (996)
o actions (1000)
o attributes (999)
o description (998)
o events (1001)
o general settings (1002)
MQSeries Proc Dialog part (974)
o actions (978)
o attributes (977)
o description (976)
o events (979)
o general (980)
o records (981)
multi-receive dialogs (752)
multi-send dialogs (753)
multiple calls as same CICS unit of work (759)
MVS CICS options (851)
network transactions (718)
Open Settings on pop-up menu (1103)
parts reference (869)
o 3270 Screen (871)
o 3270 Terminal (880)
o APPC Connection Spec (907)
o APPC Conversation (896)
o APPC Error (902)
o APPC Proc Dialog (886)
o APPC Receive Buffer (916)
o Buffer (1042)
o CICS Logical Unit of Work (932)
o CICS Proc Dialog (923)
o CICS Program (938)
o CPI-C Connection Spec (960)
o CPI-C Conversation (954)
o CPI-C Proc Dialog (945)
o CPI-C Receive Buffer (968)
o MQSeries Connection (983)
o MQSeries Connection Spec (989)
o MQSeries Message (997)
o MQSeries Proc Dialog (975)
o RPC Client (1011)
o RPC Connection Specification (1004)
o RPC Proc Dialog (1017)
o TCP/IP Connection Spec (1036)
o TCP/IP Proc Dialog (1023)
o TCP/IP Socket (1031)
performance, CICS (850)
proc dialogs (754)
procedure dialogs
o adding to an application (654)
o APPC (657)
o CICS (661)
o CPI-C (664)
o in an application (678)
o in VA Smalltalk, overview (653)
o MQI (667)
o record format (673)
o RPC/XDR (670)
o TCP/IP (676)
Promote Part Feature on pop-up menu (1105)
Queue Manager Name (1085)
Queue Name (1086)
Quick Form on pop-up menu (1114)
reasons to use the dialog layer (737)
receive action (710)
receiveBuffer action (711)
receiveWithLengthInData action (712)
o setting up a proc dialog (672)
Reorder Connections From on pop-up menu (1113)
RPC (746)
RPC Client (721), (726)
RPC Client part (1010), (1093)
o actions (1014)
o attributes (1013)
o description (1012)
o events (1015)
RPC Connection Spec - Settings window (1092)
RPC Connection Spec part (1091)
RPC Connection Specification part (1003)
o actions (1007)
o attributes (1006)
o description (1005)
o events (1008)
o general settings (1009)
RPC Proc Dialog - Settings window (1095)
RPC Proc Dialog part (1016), (1094)
o actions (1020)
o attributes (1019)
o description (1018)
o events (1021), (1022)
o proc dialog conversations (669)
RPC/XDR client
o system layer, how to use (764)
RPC/XDR server
o system layer, how to use (765)
sample program
o APPC (783), (810)
o APPC for CICS (786)
o CPI-C (854)
o MQSeries (861)
sample programs (865)
o TCP/IP (866)
sendBuffer action (702)
sendIncorporatingLength action (705)
sendRecord action (703)
sendString action (701)
sendStringAsLLAsciiZ action (704)
o connecting to (694)
o disconnecting from (695)
o programming with VA Smalltalk (734)
o receiving data from (713)
o scripting for communications (766)
o sending data to (706)
simple dialogs (648), (751)
Smalltalk application
o using APPC classes in (782)
o using CPI-C classes in (853)
o writing with MQSeries (860)
system layer, how to use (761)
TCP/IP (864)
o AbtConnectionSpec (749)
o proc dialog conversations (675)
o sample program (867)
o system layer, how to use (763)
o using sockets (868)
TCP/IP category (1090)
TCP/IP Connection Spec - Settings window (1100)
TCP/IP Connection Spec part (1099)
o actions (1038)
o data attribute settings (1041)
o description (1037)
o destination settings (1040)
o events (1039)
TCP/IP Proc Dialog - Settings window (1097)
TCP/IP Proc Dialog part (1096)
o actions (1026)
o attributes (1025)
o data attribute settings (1029)
o description (1024)
o destination (1028)
o events (1027)
o records settings (1030)
TCP/IP Socket part (1098)
o actions (1034)
o attributes (1033)
o description (1032)
o events (1035)
Tear-Off Attribute on pop-up menu (1115)
using 3270 screen (775)
using the system layer (755)
View Parts List on pop-up menu (1106)
VA Smalltalk
o connect action (690)
o connecting events and actions (716)
o connection part (679), (685)
o connection spec (680), (682), (688), (720), (722) , (728)
o disconnect action (691)
o execute action (730)
o handling communication errors (714), (732)
o network transactions (717)
o procedure dialogs (652)
o receive action (707)
o receiveBuffer action (708)
o receiveWithLengthInData action (709)
o RPC Client (719), (725)
o sendBuffer action (697)
o sendIncorporatingLength action (700)
o sendRecord action (698)
o sendString action (696)
o sendStringAsLLAsciiZ action (699)
o server programming (735)
VA Smalltalk procedure dialogs
o in an application (677)
o record format (671)
o setting up a CICS transaction (659)
o setting up a CPI-C conversation (662)
o setting up a TCP/IP socket (674)
o setting up an APPC conversation (656)
o setting up an MQI conversation (665)
o setting up an RPC/XDR conversation (668)
VA Smalltalk Server
o writing a CPI-C application (856)
o writing an MQSeries application (863)
working with procedure dialogs (1048)
Last modified date: 10/06/2020