Installation Guide : Installing VAST Platform : Installing VAST Platform on Windows
Installing VAST Platform on Windows
VAST Platform comes with 32 bit and 64 bit product installers.
Before launching either one of these installers, you should review
Choose either 32 bit or 64 bit product installer:
VASTPlatform2021_10.0.0x86.exe (32 bit)
VASTPlatform2021_10.0.0x64.exe (64 bit)
Choose the installation configuration
Installing Standalone aka Typical
If the standard install does not suit your needs, try customizing the installation.
Windows Installation Preparation
Instructions on the following pages assume that your Windows system (except for Windows XP) is running with User Access Control (UAC) enabled (as recommended by Microsoft). Because the VAST Platform Installers can install files in directories that are shared by all users on a system, these installer programs must run in administrator mode.
Library Upgrade
The library update is not automatic. The user must use the Library Importer (importer.exe) to move code from the newly installed manager. This tool can merge new 10.0.0 code into your existing working manager. A log file will be placed into %temp%/importer.log. For more information, see the “Migration Tools” page in the Migration Guide)
Last modified date: 02/18/2021