autosize: aBooleanSpecifies whether the column width should be autosized.
characterValidation: aSymbolSpecifies the character validation function to use with values entered into cells within the column.
disabledSelector: aSymbolSpecifies selector sent to the row object to determine whether a cell should be disabled.
editable: aBoolean
Specifies whether the cells in this column are editable.
etched: aBoolean
Specifies whether this column is to be etched.
fieldValidation: aSymbolSpecifies the field validation function to use with values entered into cells within the column.
getSelector: aSymbolSpecifies selector sent to the row object to retrieve the data for the cell.
heading: aString
Specifies the heading object to be displayed at the top of the column.
horizontalAlignment: anInteger
Specifies how the cells in this column should be aligned horizontally.
listSelector: aSymbolSpecifies selector sent to the row object to retrieve a list of values to populate the drop down list in the cell.
minWidth: anIntegerSpecifies the minimum width of the column in pixels. This minimum applys to autosizing and user resizing operations.
name: aStringSpecifies the name of the column. This name may be used to programatically access the column. Note that this is distint from the heading of the column.
reorderable: aBooleanSpecifies whether the column is reorderable (can be draged left and right).
resizable: aBoolean
Specifies whether the column is resizable by the user. If so, the user can drag the right side of the column heading to change the column width
setSelector: aSymbolSpecifies selector sent to the row object to store data entered into the cell.
showInUse: aBoolean
Specifies whether the column should show the inUse emphasis for each item.
sortable: aBooleanSpecifies whether the column is sortable.
verticalAlignment: anInteger
Specifies how the cells and heading in this column should be aligned vertically.
width: anInteger
Specifies the width of the column in pixels. This does not includes the width of any emphasis or vertical separator.
Cell Value Callback
These callbacks are triggered when an item’s cell value is needed for this column.
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