addedItems: itemsOrderedCollection at: indicesOrderedCollection
Item(s) were added to the collection of root items at the specified position. The position is specified as an index in the collection of root items only. Refresh the list.deferRefreshWhile: aBlock
Minimize the repainting done while aBlock is being evaluated. This message may be safely nested. This message does not guarantee minimal repainting. Rather, it serves as a hint to the widget so that, where possible and appropriate, repainting can be deferred until the block has finished being evaluated.deselectAllItems
Deselect and remove all elements from the selectedItems list.emphasisPolicy: anInteger
Specifies whether to draw the icon and label emphasis as one single rectangle or as two separate rectangles.endEdit
Call the end edit events and proceed with an end to the edit if approved. Hide the edit widget only if the end was approved. Answer whether the end was approved.hierarchyPolicy: hierarchyPolicy
Determines how the hierarchy is to be shown. This includes what the indentation level should be as well as whether to draw lines connecting the items and whether to show some kind of button beside items which have children. By default the hierarchyPolicy is an instance of EwHierarchyPolicy with lines set to true.indexAtPoint: aPoint
Answer the index of the item in the list which lies beneath the point given. If no item lies beneath the point or if the widget has not been drawn yet, then answer nil.indexOfItem: item
Answer the index of the item given in the list or 0 if the item is not present in the list.itemAtPoint: aPoint
Answer the item in the list which lies beneath the point given. If no item lies beneath the point, then answer nil.itemChildrenAttributeName: aSymbol
Specifies a unary selector sent to an item to return its children.itemChildrenAttributes: aDictionary
Specifies a collection of selectors (indexed by item class) sent to an item to return its children.itemColorAttributeName: aSymbol
Specifies a unary selector sent to an item to return its label color.itemCount
Specifies the total number of items. This number might not match XmNitems, since this number is the size of the expanded hierarchy. Item count is automatically updated whenever an element is added to or deleted from the list.itemHasChildrenAttributeName: aSymbol
Set the unary selector sent to an item to return whether it has children.itemHasChildrenAttributes: aDictionary
Specifies a collection of selectors (indexed by item class) sent to an item to return whether it has children.itemHeight: anInteger
Specifies the height in pixels of items in the list. This includes the margin height on the top and bottom of the item as well as two pixels for emphasis.itemIconExpandAttributeName: aSymbol
Specifies a unary selector sent to an item to return its expanded icon.itemInitialStateAttributeName: aSymbol
Specifies a unary selector sent to an item to return its initial state (expanded or not).itemIsVisible: item
Check if a specified item is in the portion of the list that is currently visible. Answer true if it is even partially visible, false if it is not visible.itemWidth: anInteger
Specifies the width in pixels of items in the list. This includes the two pixels for emphasis.parentOfItem: anItem
Answer the parent of the item given in the hierarchy or false if it is not in the expanded hierarchy. Answer nil if it is a root item.refreshAllItems
Refresh all of the ite,sremovedItems: itemsOrderedCollection at: indicesOrderedCollection
Identifies what items were removed from the items attribute ordered collection and at what index. Only the items identified will be refreshed.scrollableDown
Answers false if the list is all the way at the bottom item.scrollableLeft
Answers false if the list is all the way to the left.scrollableRight
Answers false if the list is all the way to the right.scrollableUp
Answers false if the list is all the way at the top item.scrollDown
Scrolls the list box down one item.scrollLeft
Scrolls the list box left one.scrollPageDown
Scrolls the list box down one page of items.scrollPageLeft
Scrolls the list box left one page.scrollPageRight
Scrolls the list box right one page.scrollPageUp
Scrolls the list box up one page of items.scrollRight
Scrolls the list box right one.scrollUp
Scrolls the list box up one item.selectedItem
Answer the item selected in the list.selectedItemCount
Answer the number of selected items.selectedItems: anOrderedCollection
An OrderedCollection of Objects that represents the list items that are currently selected, either by the user or the application.selectionIndices: anOrderedCollection
An OrderedCollection of Integers that represents the indices of the list items that are currently selected, either by the user or the application.selectItem: anItem
Select an item in the list. This message selects and adds the specified item to the current selected list. The cursor moves to the newly selected item.setBottomIndex: position
Make an item the last visible item in the list by position. This message makes the item at the specified position the last visible item in the list.setBottomItem: item
Make the given item the last visible item in the list. The item can be any valid item in the list.setTopIndex: position
Make an item the first visible item in the list by position. This message makes the item at the given position the first visible position in the list.setTopItem: item
Make the given item the first visible item in the list. The item can be any valid item in the list.visibleItemCount
Specifies the number of items that can fit in the visible space of the list. Until the list is realized, this answers 0.About To Begin Edit
These events are triggered when an item is about to be edited.About To End Edit
These events are triggered when an item is done being edited.Default Action Requested
These events are triggered when an item is double clicked.Getting Focus
These events are triggered the part gets focus.Item Children Requested
These events are triggered when an item’s list of children is needed.Item Collapsed
These events are triggered when an item is collapsed.Item Expand
These events are triggered when an item is expanded.Item PopUp Menu Request
These events are triggered when an item needs its popup menu.Losing Focus
These events are triggered the part loses focus.Resized
These events are triggered when the part is resized.Scrolled
These events are triggered when the part is scrolled.Selected Item Changed
These events are triggered when the selected item is changed.Selected Items Changed
These events are triggered when the selected items are changed.Selection Index Changed
These events are triggered when the selected index is changed.Selection Indices Changed
These events are triggered when the selected indices are changed.Visual Info Requested
These events are triggered when an item’s icon, label and isInUse are needed.
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