A storage place within an object for a data element. The data element is an object, such as a number or date, stored as an attribute of the containing object.
In VA Smalltalk, a part that receives an identity at run time. A variable by itself contains no data or program logic; it must be connected such that it receives run-time identity from a part elsewhere in the application.
variable byte class
A class that contains indexed instance variables that are bytes. String is a variable byte class. See also variable class.
variable class
A class that contains indexed instance variables. Array is a variable class. See also variable byte class.
VA Smalltalk
VA Smalltalk (now VAST Platform) is a robust programming environment for creating complex software. At its center is a library of Smalltalk code which is used to create end user applications. Layered on top of this library of code is re-usable VA Smalltalk parts, both visual and nonvisual which can also be used to create end user applications.
In the context of the library of code available to create complex software, VA Smalltalk may refer to the visual parts layer, or the entire library of code.
VA Smalltalk Base
VA Smalltalk Base (now VAST Base) is the core library of Smalltalk code which is used to create end user applications.
The term is used in the discussions of the library of code available to create complex software, when it is important to differentiate the Smalltalk code from the VA Smalltalk parts. One situation in which this becomes pertinent is in the VAST Database features.
In the team programming environment, an edition of a software component that cannot be changed. Each version has a version name, such as R4.0. Contrast with edition, scratch edition.
A composite visual part. A view can display and change the underlying nonvisual objects of an application. In VA Smalltalk, views are both the end result of developing an application and the basic unit of composition of user interfaces. Compare to visual part.
virtual machine
The program that provides the Smalltalk execution environment on a single machine. It maps data and logic to the executing machine architecture, isolating the Smalltalk code from the architecture of the machine.
visible class
A class that another class can subclassify or refer to by name in a method. Visible refers to the scope in which the class name can be used. For a class in a given application, visible classes include:
o All classes defined in the same application
o All public classes defined in any subapplication
o All prerequisite classes, including prerequisites of prerequisites to the lowest level
visual part
A part that has a visual representation at run time. Visual parts, such as windows, push buttons, and entry fields, make up the user interface of an application. Compare to view. Contrast with nonvisual part.
visual programming tool
A tool, such as VA Smalltalk, that provides a means for specifying programs graphically. Application programmers write applications by manipulating graphical representations of components.
Last modified date: 01/14/2021