Potential problems
There are some things you need to know about the debugger:
All spaces involved in a logical process chain being debugged must be reachable from and known by the space running the debugger UI.
Stepping the execution of a logical process which enters a space without SstDebuggingSupport loaded is not supported. In these cases, only the resume operation is allowed. If you attempt to step when not allowed, the operation will abort and a dialog box will appear.
It is not possible to debug a logical process whose execution spans any spaces without the SstDebuggingSupport application. In this situation, the process cannot even be resumed. You have a couple of options at this point:
o Load SstDebuggingSupport in all relevant spaces, remove the process from the debugger and add it again.
o Manually find the space containing the top of the logical process stack and either terminate or resume the process.
Walkbacks from within the debugger might occur if part of a logical process is abnormally terminated. You should avoid terminating any process which does not contain the top-most frames of the logical process. Terminating a process other than the top-most (the active process) may result in the debugger sending messages to remote objects which no longer exist. This situation cannot be detected by the debugger.
If the distributed debugger generates walkbacks while attempting to debug a process, disable distributed debugging and debug the process using the system debugger. To do this, note the process' name, remove the process from the debugger with Processes > Remove From List, disable distributed debugging by setting SstDebugging useDistributedDebugger: false (or using the SST menu choice) and then add the process to the debugger with Processes > Debug Other.
Last modified date: 01/29/2015