Purging and salvaging components
This section describes how to purge and salvage components. Purging removes from the library components that your team no longer needs. After a component is purged, its name is not displayed in lists of library contents. Salvaging retrieves a purged component and displays its name again in lists of library contents.
Purging a component does not free up the disk space occupied by that component. To free up the disk space, you can clone the library in which the purged component was stored. Cloning a library deletes all purged components from that library. Or, you can create a new library and export selected components to it.
Because purging can permanently destroy components, only library supervisors can perform purge operations. Similarly, only library supervisors can salvage components.
The types of components that can be purged and salvaged include the following:
• User objects
• Applications or application editions
• Subapplications or subapplication editions
• Configuration maps or configuration map editions
Before you purge a component, confirm that no one has the component loaded in an image and that no one needs the component any longer. If you purge a loaded component, team members who are using the component might get a walkback when they use an Application Manager or try to work with the purged component. If you accidentally purge a component, immediately attempt to salvage it.
Last modified date: 05/19/2020