Loading individual methods is relatively straightforward. However, the load operation can fail if there are variables that were defined when the method was originally compiled and that are no longer available in your image (for example, a global, pool, class, or instance variable has been removed), and the method must be recompiled. If a method that refers to a global or pool variable is loaded into an image where the variable is not defined, the load operation adds the variable to the image and initializes it to nil.
To load a method edition, do the following:
• Open an Applications Browser, Classes Browser, Hierarchy Browser, Application Browser, Class Browser, or Methods Browser.
• Select the application and class that contain the method; then select the method.
• From the Methods menu, select Load > Another Edition. A window opens, listing editions of the method.
• Select the desired edition; then select OK.
If the containing application edition is not an edition, a window opens prompting you to create a scratch edition of the application. If you want a scratch edition made, select OK; otherwise, select Cancel. If you confirm, the method edition is loaded into your image and released to the class edition.
For step 3, instead of selecting Load > Another Edition, you can select Browse Editions. Browse Editions opens a Method Editions Browser on all editions of the method. This selection is useful if you do not know what method edition you want to load.
You can also select Load > Previous Edition. This option allows you to try out something new and discard the change immediately. For example, you can add a self halt to a method. When you want to remove the self halt, you can simply select Load > Previous Edition.
Last modified date: 01/29/2015