VA Smalltalk Reports examples
The VA Smalltalk Reports feature is shipped with a set of examples that you can load into your image. These examples illustrate the functions and features of VA Smalltalk Reports. They include the following applications:
• AbtReportSamplesApp contains reports on collections and other iterable objects.
• AbtReportDatabaseSamplesApp extends the examples shipped with the VA Smalltalk database features to include reports.
The remaining chapters in this section of Reports Guide and Reference lead you through the construction of sample reporting applications that include the following functions:
• Creating a report part and testing, previewing, and printing the report.
• Creating a user interface for a report application
• Reporting on the results of an ODBC database query
The sample application in this book uses VA Smalltalk ODBC support to generate and run database queries. This support comes with a text database that you can use to perform database functions. You do not need a proprietary database management system to use this book.
• Reporting on information in an ordered collection
• Formatting reports and adding reusable report forms to a report
Last modified date: 01/29/2015