Obsolete Code
Some classes (or class names), or methods in those classes, are no longer supported. to load or run your Version 3.0 application s that use obsolete code for Version 4.5, do the following:
1. Look through the list of obsolete code below. Indentify those obsolete classes used by your Version 3.0 applications.
2. Examine the configurations maps Visual Age, Obsolete Parts for classes extended widgets.
3. Determine which applications in these maps contain obsolete classes used by your Version 3.0 applications.
4. From the maps, load the pertinent applications.
5. Try loading your Version 3.0 applications again.
Some of the classes listed below are application classes. If your Version 3.0 application's direct prerequisites include any of the classes below, load the appropriate configuration map and fix your applications so they no longer use obsolete code. Not that this only applies for direct prerequisites, and not for prerequisites well up the tree of prerequisites.
Obsolete VisusalAge code
The following classes are themselves obsolete or contain code that is obsolete:
• AbtBuildInterfacesApp
• AbtBuildPartsApp
• AbtBuildviewsApp
• AbtEditBaseApp
• AbtExternalObjectsApp
• AbtTableColumnEditPart
• AbtTableColumnEditPartInputPolicy
• AbtTableColumnVisualPolicy
• AbtTableEditPart
• AbtTableColumnView
• AbtTableUseCompositePartAsVisualPolicy
• AbtTableView
• AbtMRIManager
• AbtNLSCoordinator
• AbtNLSStringMapper
• AbtTableColumnView
• AbtTableTpoTextConverterAdapter
• AbtPartPackagerApp
• AbtPersistencyBaseApp
• AbpPOMObjectExtractor
• AbtTableCell
• AbtTableCellManager
• AbtTableColumn
• AbtTableColumnLebel
• AbtTableColumnManager
• AbtTableColumnSizer
• AbtTableCornerLabel
• AbtTableGeometry
• AbtTableGridDrawer
• AbtTableLabel
• AbtTableLabelManager
• AbtTableMinimalConverterAdapter
• AbtTableRowLabel
• AbtTableScrollManager
• AbtTableSelectionCallbackData
• AbtTableSelectionPolicy
• AbtTableSingleSelectionPolicy
• AbtTableValueCallbackData
• AbtTableWidget
• AbtTableWidgetApp
• SequenceableCollection
If your application uses these classes, load applications in the configuration map VisualAge, ObsoleteParts that contain obsolete classes used by your Version 3.0 application. Further, if your application uses AbtTableView, follow the step in "Morphing Tables" after loading the applications.
Morphing Tables
If your Version 3.0 application uses AbtTableView, you will need to morph the table so it uses the Version 6.0 AbtContainerDetailsView as follows:
1. If you have not done so already, load applications in the configuration map VisualAge, ObsoleteParts that contain obsolete classes used by your Version 3.0 application.
2. Load your Version 3.0 application
3. Open the visual part that contains the table.
4. Press mouse button 2 on the table and select Morph into from its popup menu.
5. Select AbtContainerDetaislView
6. Save, version, and release your work.
7. Unload the applications loaded from the configuration map VisualAge, Obsolete Parts.
Obsolete IBM Smalltalk code
The following classes are themselves obsolete or contain code that is obsolete:
• EwBase
• EwContainerDragAndDropSupport
• EwContainerSupport
• EwDragAndDropSupport
• EwDrawnListSupport
• EwListSupport
• EwNotebookSupport
• EwProgressIndicatorSupport
• EwSliderSupport
• EwSpinButtonSupport
• EwSplitWindowSupport
• EwrSupport
• EwToolBarSupport
If your application uses these classes, load ENVY/Image Ew R3.0 Compatibility.
Last modified date: 05/13/2020