IdentitySet class added as replacement for EsIdentitySet
Reason for change
Other Smalltalk platforms provide an IdentitySet class with behavior identical to VA Smalltalk’s EsIdentitySet. EsIdentitySet had no API methods, so was not guaranteed usable by customer applications. VA Smalltalk has provided IdentitySet as a public subclass of EsIdentitySet when the Platform Portability map is loaded.
• The IdentitySet class is moved to the base with all the behavior of EsIdentitySet.
• All extensions to EsIdentitySet provided by VA Smalltalk are moved to IdentitySet.
• EsIdentitySet is made a subclass of IdentitySet. It has no behavior of its own and is considered a deprecated class.
Action required
Change any EsIdentitySet references in your applications to IdentitySet.
Last modified date: 07/02/2019