Time Zone Support Introduced
Reason for change
VA Smalltalk did not correctly handle calculations between two DateAndTime objects when they span a Daylight Savings Time transition.
The DateAndTime object was changed to use time zone data.
Action required
When repackaging existing VAST Reduced RunTime Images, you must manually include the application EsTimeZoneApp.
Changes in the DateAndTime class have been implemented such that code written before the implementation of time zones will continue to execute properly without changes.
Likewise, DateAndTime objects stored before the time zone capability was implemented are seamlessly mutated when they are read into a Smalltalk image which supports time zones.
Use of deprecated APIs to create DateAndTime precludes calculations using Daylight Savings Time transition.
• DateAndTime class>> year: year day: dayOfYear hour: hour minute: minute second: second millisecond: millisecond offset: aDuration
• DateAndTime class>> year: year month: month day: dayOfYear hour: hour minute: minute second: second millisecond: millisecond offset: aDuration
See “Time zones” in the Smalltalk User Guide for more information.
Last modified date: 07/24/2020