Authorizing the EMSRV User on Windows
EMSRV uses an existing Windows account to provide file access restrictions. The Windows account name used by EMSRV is referred to as the EMSRV account name, and the password for that account is referred to as the EMSRV account password. Both the Windows account from which EMSRV is started (that is, if EMSRV is not started as a service) and the EMSRV account must be granted the advanced user right Act as part of the operating system and be a member of the Administrators group.
Use the following directions to set and activate this:
1. Log on as an Administrator.
2. Run the User Rights Assignment utility by selecting Administrative Tools from the Control Panel.
3. Select Local Security Policy > Local Policies > User Rights Assignment > Act as part of the operating system.
4. Open the properties dialog by selecting Properties in the context menu. Click on the Add User or Group push button to open the Select Users or Groups dialog.
5. Enter the EMSRV user to the list, click Check Names to validate the EMSRV user and OK to dismiss the dialog.
6. Click on the OK push button to add the user and save your choices and dismiss the properties dialog.
7. Log off from the Administrator account and log on again as the EMSRV user.
For Windows Server, the Local Security Policy (if available) may be overridden by the Domain Controller Security Policy or the Domain Security Policy. User rights for the domain controller and/or domain may need to be set in order for the Effective Policy Setting in the Local Security Policy to appear checked.
Authentication for the EMSRV account is slightly different when authenticating clients. In each case, additional user rights may be required for successful operation.
• To start and stop EMSRV as a service, the EMSRV account must have the Log on as a service user right set and the Deny logon as a service user right NOT set.
• To start and stop EMSRV interactively or from a batch file, the EMSRV account must have the Log on locally user right set and the Deny logon locally user right NOT set.
• Each client authenticated by EMSRV must have the Access this computer from the network user right set for the account used by that client. For each account, you must also ensure that the Deny access to this computer from the network right is NOT set.
Last modified date: 12/30/2022