Domino Mail Part Settings Mail Settings Page 1
Use the Domino Mail Part Settings Mail Settings Page 1 to specify two options:
• Set the Domino connection alias to your mailbox file.
• Select one or more fields from your mail form which are to be used to compose the recipient names for your mail (usually these fields are named 'SendTo', 'CopyTo' and 'BlindCopyTo').
Buttons and Fields
Mailbox Alias Name
Use the Mailbox Alias Name field to specify the name of the Domino connection specification for your mailbox database. A Domino connection specification is used to access a specific Domino database.
Use the Specs button to create a new Domino connection specification for the current mail part if no appropriate connection spec is available from the drop-down list.
Mail Options Field Names
Use the list titled Field names that specify valid recipients to view, add, and delete the fields used to determine the recipients of the mail you send. You can remove a selected field from the list using the Delete button.
Use the Add button to open up a list of all fields defined in the mail part's form definition and select the field to add to the list.
Use the Remove button to delete an entry selected in the list of field names that specify valid recipients.
Save in mail file
Select the Save new mail in mail file option to always keep a copy of a mail document in the personal mail file when you send a mail.
Last modified date: 01/29/2015