It is not currently possible to use the interactive debugger facility of an XD image to debug a Web Connection application. In order to debug a Web Connection application (or an XML application that uses the Web Server Interface), perform the following steps:
1. In the AbtWebServerInterfaceBaseApp>>AbtWsiConnection>>#handleTransaction: method, change the ExAll exception reference to ExError.
2. In the AbtWebServerInterfaceBaseApp>>Block>>#abtWsiAtEndOrWhenExceptionDo: method, replace the code with the following:
abtWsiAtEndOrWhenExceptionDo: completionBlock
" Code hacked to enable debugging in XD runtime image via the interactive debugger "
self value.
completionBlock value
After making the above changes, package the application and execute it as usual.
Be sure to load the original code prior to packaging the application for production.
Last modified date: 01/29/2015