A data element included as part of a message to provide information that the object may need. In Smalltalk, generally referred to as an argument.
parameter-from-action connection
A connection to a parameter of a part from an action. The connected parameter receives its value from the result of the action. See also connection.
parameter-from-attribute connection
A connection to a parameter of a part from an attribute of another part. When the attribute is updated, the parameter is updated automatically. See also connection.
parameter-from-script connection
A connection to a parameter of a part from a script. The connected parameter receives its value from the script, which can make calculations based on the values of other parts. See also connection.
A self-contained software object with a standardized public interface, consisting of a set of external features that enable the part to interact with other parts. The parts on the Compositrion Editor’s Parts palette can be used as templates to create instances of objects.
parts palette
In the Composition Editor, an organized collection of visual and nonvisual parts used in building composite parts for an application. The parts palette is organized into categories. Application developers can add parts to the palette for use in defining applications or other parts.
part fabricator
Anyone responsible for creating new parts. Fabrication of complex parts can require extensive object-oriented programming skills.
parts relationship
A relationship that arranges components into a hierarchy where each component can be composed of many parts.
A CGI variable, usually transmitted to the CGI program in the form of an environment variable. The PATH_INFO variable contains all path information from the URL following the name of the CGI executable. For a Web Connection application, this information is the same as the VA Smalltalk part name.
persistent name server
Instances stored outside of the image. A persistent object must be loaded into virtual or real storage before it can process messages sent to it.
The ability of different objects to respond to the same message in different ways. This means that different objects can have very different method implementations for the same message. An object can send a message without concern for its underlying implementation.
pool dictionary
A dictionary object whose keys define variables that can be shared by multiple classes. All methods for a class can access the variables in a pool dictionary if the class declares the pool dictionary as part of its scope.
One of the methods used in HTTP requests. A POST request is used to send data to an HTTP server. See also GET.
In Smalltalk, usually, a prerequisite application.
prerequisite application
An application required by another application in order to function successfully. An application can extend or reference one or more of the prerequisite application's classes.
prerequisite class
A class in a prerequisite application. An application can subclassify, extend, and send messages to a prerequisite class.
prerequisite relationship
A relationship that specifies that a particular component must exist before a second component can exist.
primary part
In a composite part constructed with the Composition Editor, the subpart whose public interface is fully exposed on the public interface of the composite part. The primary part is transparently visible to parts outside the composite part and is the subpart with which most interaction will take place.
primary selection
In the Composition Editor, the part used as a base for an action that affects several parts. For example, an alignment tool aligns all selected parts with the primary selection. Primary selection is indicated by closed (solid) selection handles, while the other selected parts have open selection handles. See also selection handles.
primary widget
In a visual part, the associated widget.
primitive method
In Smalltalk, a method that consists of an assembly language component and a Smalltalk component, and is used for low-level functions.
primitive part
In VA Smalltalk, a basic building block of other parts. Primitive parts can be visual or nonvisual. A primitive part can be relatively complex in terms of the function it provides. For example, a multiline edit field is a primitive visual part. See also composite part.
primitive widget
In the Common Widgets subsystem, a widget that does not have any child widgets.
private class
A class that is not visible outside its containing application. Contrast with public class.
private method
In VA Smalltalk, a designation that application developers can use to indicate that a method is only for internal use in the application they are developing. This designation is provided for convenience. It does not have any effect on the underlying code implementation. Contrast with public method.
In Smalltalk, a sequence of actions described by expressions and performed by the system's virtual machine.
programming link
An icon which, when selected in a section on creating database applications, visually links to the corresponding section on creating database applications programmatically.
A unique characteristic of a part.
The set of all messages to which an object responds.
Specification of the structure and meaning (the semantics) of messages that are exchanged between a client and a server.
public class
A class that is visible outside its containing application. Contrast with private class.
public interface
A set of external features that enable a part to interact with other parts. A part's public interface comprises three characteristics: attributes, actions, and events.
Public Interface Editor
A VA Smalltalk view used to create and modify attributes, actions, and events, which together make up the public interface of a part.
public method
In VA Smalltalk, a designation that application developers can use to indicate that a method is part of the programming interface of the application they are developing. This designation is provided for convenience. It does not have any effect on the underlying code implementation. Contrast with private method.