Library access stanza
The [EmLibraryInterface] stanza in the .ini file provides parameters to control the access mode to the code repository (a.k.a. development library) from the image.
ServerAddress = IP address | Host name
Value type: String
Default value: empty string (‘’)
Installation value: as specified in the Installation dialog
Setter: EmLibrary class>>#serverAddress:
This parameter is required only when using the EMSRV library management process to access a shared development library over TCP/IP. It identifies the IP address or host name of the workstation on the network that is running the EMSRV process. If this parameter value is specified, then the system uses EMSRV to access a sharable library; if it is not specified, then the system uses direct file I/O to access an unsharable library on the local machine.
DefaultName = filename
Value type: Filename string
Default value: empty string (‘’)
Installation value: as specified in the Installation dialog
Setter: EmLibrary class>>#defaultName:
This parameter defines the path name of the library file that the image should connect to upon startup. When accessing the library using EMSRV, this path name is relative to the home directory of the EMSRV library management process. When accessing the library using direct file I/O, this path name is relative to startup directory (normally the directory containing the image file). It is safest to specify an absolute path rather than a relative path.
OpenReadOnly = true | false
Value type: Boolean
Default value: false
Installation value: false
Setter: EmLibrary class>>#openReadOnly:
Limited support for read-only libraries is available. Import operations open the source library read-only, so that importing from CD-ROM, or from a library for which a user has only read permission, is now possible. You can also connect an image to a read-only library, and load and export from it. The default value is false, however, the value is saved with the image. If you set it to true, you must explicitly reset it to false before you can perform write operations.
To connect to a read-only library once the image has been started, do the following:
a. Disconnect from the current library by choosing System -> Disconnect From Server from the Tools menu.
b. Evaluate the expression EmLibrary openReadOnly: true.
c. Connect to the read-only library by choosing System -> Change Default Library, or System -> Reconnect to Server from the Tools menu.
To disconnect from the read-only library and return to a normal development library, do the following:
d. Disconnect from the read-only library by choosing System -> Disconnect From Server from the Tools menu.
e. Evaluate the expression EmLibrary openReadOnly: false.
f. Connect to the development library by choosing System -> Change Default Library, or System -> Reconnect to Server from the Tools menu.
Two examples of the library related portion of the configuration file are shown below. In the first example, EMSRV is used to connect an image to a shared library that resides on a server. In the second example, file I/O is used to connect an image to an unsharable library that resides in a local directory.
EMSRV example
File I/O example
Last modified date: 04/19/2022