Creating the application executable
1. Using the file manager for your operating environment, create a new directory to contain your packaged application.
For example, create a directory called INVEST on the C: drive.
2. In the Organizer, select your Investment application. Then, from the Applications pull-down menu, select Make Executable.
3. To pick the window that will be displayed at application start-up, select MainWindowView from the Windows to show at startup list, then select OK.
4. When the dialog appears that asks you if you want to continue, select Yes.
5. Next a file dialog will appear that requires you to specify the file name and location used during the packaging process. For our example do the following:
a. Type the file name in the File name field.
For Windows, use INVEST.EXE for the file name. For any UNIX platform, use invest for the file name.
b. Select the drive (C:) and directory (INVEST) you created for the application.
c. Then select OK.
Last modified date: 06/27/2019