Migration Guide : Migrating from Version 8.0.1 : SequenceableCollection>>#beginsWith: and #endsWith: have been replaced
SequenceableCollection>>#beginsWith: and #endsWith: have been replaced
Reason for change
The #beginsWith: and #endsWith: methods were provided as part of the Seaside portability code. It was then discovered that these methods are not cross-platform portable. They do not give the same result for an empty argument (for example, ‘’ or #()) on all platforms. Rather than attempt to get some platforms to change their implementation of these methods, it was decided to provide new methods that have the desired behavior on all platforms.
SequenceableCollection now provides platform-independent methods #beginsWithSubCollection: and #endsWithSubCollection: which should be used in place of #beginsWith: and #endsWith: (which have been removed).
Action required
  aCollection beginsWith: aSubCollection
 aCollection beginsWithSubCollection: aSubCollection

  aCollection endsWith: aSubCollection
 aCollection endsWithSubCollection: aSubCollection
Last modified date: 07/02/2019