Step 10: Connect a part to the script
AlarmClockView to run the script
messageDelay when a user presses
Set Alarm, you need to make an
event-to-script connection. You'll connect the
clicked event of
Set Alarm to the script
Drawing a connection
To connect them in a Composition Editor:
1. Using mouse button 2, click on the Set Alarm push button. (For UNIX, use mouse button 3.)
2. Select Connect > clicked from the pop-up menu.
3. Click the

now shown on the free-form surface.
4. From the displayed pop-up menu, select Event to Script. A Connections window opens, showing AlarmClockView in the Script Connection field and messageDelay in the bottom pane.
5. In this window, select messageDelay and then OK.
Deleting the unneeded connection
Because the event-to-script connection opens a message box once the specified time occurs, you no longer need the
event-to-action connection between
Set Alarm and the Message Prompter part.
To delete the connection:
1. Click on the connection using mouse button 2. (For UNIX, use mouse button 3.)
2. Select Delete from the connection's pop-up menu or use the Delete key.
After you finish work on the connections, the Composition Editor displays:

Last modified date: 08/08/2019