Smalltalk Development Tools
VA Smalltalk provides a set of tools that assist you in browsing and editing the
software components in your image.
•Transcript has the capabilities of the Workspace and also enables you to monitor changes to the development image.
•Class Browser enables you to look at a specific class in your image.
•Class Hierarchy Browser enables you to look at the hierarchy of a specific of the class in your image.
•Application Manager coordinates the activities of the application's developers and ensures that the configuration information for the application is correct.
•Debugger enables you to look at live objects midway in the execution path.
This book describes the basic use of these tools in creating a
simple example application. For more in-depth information on these tools, see
Smalltalk User Guide.
VA Smalltalk also has an available add-on product which allows you to construct user interfaces from common widgets in a WSIWYG editor. For more information, see
WindowBuilder Pro for Smalltalk.
Last modified date: 07/23/2020