Installing a Team Development Library and Admin Tools
The library holds your Smalltalk source code. The VAST library and admin tools will be installed on your local machine when you select the “Manager” Install type during installation. This section describes how to install just the Manager components.
The Manager Install needs to be run just once, by a system administrator on a server accessible by those application programmers who will be using VAST Platform. Once the Manager is installed on a network server, developers connect using EMSRV for team programming. To understand where components are placed, consult
file locations.
To install the VAST Manager configuration, do the following:
Change directories to the folder created by decompressing the documentation installer package. Then as root, or by using the sudo command, execute ./vainstall manager.
When the installation is complete, the last line in the terminal should be
“Installation of VAST Manager Completed.”
To view the readme file, open an Internet browser on
•file:///usr/local/VASTPlatform/10.0.0x86/readme/readme.htm (32-bit install) or
•file:///usr/local/VASTPlatform/10.0.0x64/readme/readme.htm (64-bit install).
The Admin tools are installed to the varoot directory. The team development library is installed in the mgrroot directory.
You do not need to reboot your machine after installation.
Library Permissions
The library is installed with full access for all users (rw-rw-rw-).
Alternate Locations
The admin tools are installed to the varoot directory. The team development library is installed in the mgrroot directory.
The size of the library will grow considerably as source code accumulates during the course of a development effort. It is possible to install the library on a file system other than /usr, and to run the EMSRV daemon with the library on the alternate file system. This may be a convenient configuration for managing the growth of the library and for maintenance backups.
To install the library on an alternate filesystem you must complete a couple of steps manually. Before performing the install, create a mgrroot filesystem which is mounted on a logical volume other than the volume on which /usr is mounted and define mgrroot as a symbolic link to a directory on such an alternate file system.
The file system on which the library manager resides must be mounted on a local drive. The EMSRV daemon will not operate if the library manager file is on a remote NFS file system.
EMSRV Requirement
You must set up and start EMSRV after you install the Manager. Clients cannot connect to the library until EMSRV is running.
Be sure to use the following good development practices with EMSRV:
•Backup the library file regularly.
•Run library statistics utilities on a regular basis to ensure the integrity of the manager file.
•Once the installation is set up to use EMSRV, protect the library file so that only EMSRV has permission to write to it.
To check the consistency of a manager library, Load the configuration map ‘ENVY/MANAGER Library Utilities’ and use the method EmLibraryStatistics(class)>>#checkConsistencyOf: to get a report written to the Transcript. The argument is the full path of the manager library including the server name. To generate a consistency report on the current default library, enter:
EmLibraryStatistics checkConsistencyOf: EmLibrary default.
To set up and start EMSRV for Linux, see the following sections:
Last modified date: 02/19/2021